Well, I've joined a ton of itch.io TTRPG jams and it's made me weirdly productive on the gaming front. So, let's talk about the two things I released recently.
Little OSR things! Mostly links to stuff I created for Secret Santicore / Jackalope, plus some random tables.
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Spider Children
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
So, this little freebie / PWYW game is a solution to a problem: I was in the Hopepunk Jam, and had only 3 hours to go. And I was also in this 24 Word RPG Jam...
So, a 24 word Hopepunk RPG.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
What's in Their Pockets? (Post-Apocalyptic) d20
Here is TWO random tables written entirely by me, with no help from others. Well, other than the giants whose shoulders I stand on...
In any case, both tables use a d20. The genre is post-apocalyptic. One is for "normal" things you'd find in pockets, and the other is for rare and/or weird things.
What's in Their Pockets? (Post-Apocalyptic)
Monday, January 15, 2024
Shameless Plugs: Derelict Transdimensional Anomaly
So, hey, are you in the market for a free one page science fiction system neutral pointcrawl? Well, you're in luck!
I'm going to use this blog entry to add some thoughts about the adventure that didn't fit on one page, things I de facto cut because I knew they wouldn't fit.
Troika! is a great game. So when I saw there was a Troika! jam , the first thing I thought to do was to combine it with the 1928 jam .
As part of Covert Critic, a sort of Secret Santa for TTRPG designers, I drew Lars Huijbregts, AKA Dice Goblin Games . So. I'm choosing ...
It's time for Secret Santicorn! I got this prompt: Design downtime mechanics for a large time skip (e.g., 25 years forward): how do you ...