Thursday, January 25, 2024

Spider Children

Well, I've joined a ton of TTRPG jams and it's made me weirdly productive on the gaming front. So, let's talk about the two things I released recently.

This image is by megamoto85 / martin andre and is used under a  CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.

Okay! Going in reverse order, we have a game I didn't even originally plan to make, Soulless Children!

Content Warning: Harm to children. Most of it is implied, but I do talk about at least one fate worse than death that the child PCs might have to face.

So, here's the thing. I enjoy making things that will work for two jams at once. You could call it laziness, but it can be hard to do, so it doesn't feel like that to me. So I wanted to make something for a Troika! jam that would also pass muster for the Gaming Like It's 1928 Jam.

But I noticed the jam only talked about games, not supplements. So I asked about that, and got this response:

So, I decided I'd write a stand-alone game "real quick" which fits what they want better, and  I'd still write the Troika! supplement.

And that's how things got away from me and I ended up writing Soulless Childrena 20 page standalone Liminal Horror hack where you play evil, immortal children escaped from Neverland who hunt other eldritch beings because other weird things make them itch.

Like you do.

And the judges are only going to read four pages of that! But that's why it's organized in a certain way. Basically, I put the Table of Contents in the back and put the more interesting content in the front, which is possible in part because Liminal Horror, being based on Cairn, is a very rules light game.

And you know what? It's not the worst thing. While there's some good stuff in the back (see some of the things I did in the Paranatural Bestiary chapter), it's kinda good to give as much awesome as possible in the first four pages.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

The other thing I released recently is, in essence, a one page dungeon. It's called The Contested Factory. 

It's a little odd because it was written for the Jennell Jaquays Memorial Game Jam. So it's designed to be linked up into a bigger dungeon, and it's more "manuscript plus map" than I would normally do. Also, it's only 750 words because that's what they want.

Content Warning: Spiders! Though the only image is a mechanical spider, in case that makes a difference.

Man, 750 words is rough! I think I had too many rooms. But I wanted to have three factions -- the robots, the goblings, and the driders. So, even though I used Quarrel + Fable for it, partially because monster stats in that game are small, the results were... terse.

Someone else in the jam was writing, like, long paragraphs of stuff! At 750 words or less? He must have had a lot less rooms.

So, if you want a science fantasy dungeon with a faction war going on, check it out. Let me know what you think, either in the comments here or on ...

That's all I have for now. Hopefully I'll have some more random tables for y'all soonish.

And hey, all this stuff I'm releasing lately might be on, but it's free / PWYW, and I'll probably clone it over on DriveThruRPG when I have a little more time.

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