Friday, December 15, 2023

d10 Surreal Encounters in Faerie

 As I've mentioned a few times by now, there is a great channel on the OSR Discord server called #dice-democracy where you can crowdsource random tables. I'm presenting tables that I started, now that they're finished.

Therefore, this isn't 100% my work; the people on the server are very creative when it comes to stuff like this. I remain very grateful for them putting up with my ideas for tables.

This should be the last one for a while; I've caught up with all the tables on the server that I've started.

d10 Surreal Encounters in Faerie

Surreal, maybe whimsical, maybe disturbing, things that can happen to a travelling group in Faerie

1. Knife-eared bandits stop the group and demand they give over their names. If they agree, no one can remember their names anymore, including themselves and their own mothers. In the short term, expect unflattering nicknames...

2. An achingly beautiful voice attempts to lure the group off the path, crying for help. Those who stray must make a save or turn into a cloud of gemlike butterflies. Success means only a limb turns into butterflies. The voice, of course, belongs to a caterpillar.

3. An oversized clock lays slanted on the ground, and the clock hands appear to be sentient and argue with one another about the time of day. The sky switches from dawn to noon to dusk to night and back and forth, corresponding to the position and movement of the clock hands.

4. A small child sitting on a grassy knoll with dragonfly wings offers the visitors plums or peaches.  If they take the fruit without first giving the child something the child agrees to (nods or head shakes), the child will take a nose, chin, or lap in payment.  Other things the child will consider acceptable: sorrow, memory of one's mother's or child's face, first born, or a cool twig, leaf, or rock.  The child will give up to three fruits for a slice of pie.

5. The group hears women laughing gaily and joking in some indiscernible language. Upon investigation, the party enters a large circular clearing.  A 20’ circular pool dominates the clearing and three elflike women (nymphs) are playing in the water. An ornate fountain in the shape of 20-30 happy youthful figures pours water into the pool. Upon noticing the party, the nymphs will smile wryly, beckon, and dive under the water never to be seen again. 

The pool is extremely clear, and extremely deep.  Despite the depth, the party can see to the bottom. At the bottom there is an ornate, golden bound box about a foot square. 

The trees surrounding the pool are ancient, far older and weathered than anything else the party has encountered in Fae.

If anyone touches the fountain, the water will immediately turn black in their eyes.  The fountain will also transform from shapes of youthful figures to those of old men and women, their faces worn.  The person touching will begin to feel tired as if energy were draining from them. This all reverts as soon as the contact with the fountain is broken. 

If the party enters the pool, they will slowly become tired though they suddenly know that they will be able to breath the water.  Additionally, for every minute they are in the pool, they will age 25% of their current age (taken new each minute).  This effect will continue after they exit the pool as long as the water on their clothes remains in contact with them. 

The box contains a magnifying glass that lets the user see the past of their current location when looking through it. 

Any water turns to vapor upon leaving the clearing.

6. The party sees their own corpses, stripped of all treasure, in a ditch next to the path. If anyone steps off the path, they vanish and then replace their corpse: They've lost their treasure and valuable equipment, but they're alive and, if hurt, completely healed.

7. A bridge kobold grumbling over the constant clattering of dice he hears keeping him up all night. He gets irritated every time the players roll dice for any reason.

8. A fluttering fairy struggles to move a large stone blocking entry to her house, asking for the party's strength to help. While allowing help by just moving the not that big obstacle wordlessly, accepting her request will have her exchange the speaker's strength score with her own (very low).

9. Sprites and sylphs flutter through the air following a musical procession of pucks, spriggans, leprechauns, and very fae elves who are chanting "Three!  Three!  Three!  Three!" to the beat of the music.  If they come across a mortal not on a safe path, they'll give a shout, give chase, and when they capture the mortal, they'll tie said mortal up like naked, like a pig, stick an apple in the mortal's mouth, and suspend them from a pole, to be carried at the end of the procession by spriggans already carrying the other three mortals captured.  If a mortal is found on a safe path, they try to tempt the mortal off the path with offers of sweets, treats, or dreams.

 Captured mortals who are cunning and evasive may find foxes ears and a tail have grown on them without their initially realizing it.  Those tempted with food might similarly end up with a porcine nose and tail.

  They will be released after 1d100 days in the hunting lord's or lady's animal menagerie, or after 1d10 days of service, depending on the lord's preferences.  This time might not have been the same across all of fairy, or in the mortal world.

10. Blossom, a nymph in a calm pool with lilies.  She bears a sword, which she brandishes at anyone to warn them off.  She also has a shield underneath, in the water.  If anyone is fool enough to enter the water, she will fight them until they yield or die.

Blossom is sick of wannabe kings looking for signs of divine favor by her granting them a sword.  Her father was a great warrior, and she dreams of being the same, although she is loathe to leave the pool.  She fights as a heroic fighter, with the benefit of her father's magical sword, Facafiada, which has never rusted, even with all the years it spent in the pool.

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