Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Shameless Plugs: BBB10 and Occult Space Ravens

 For the first time in five years, I've produced one of my tiny Black Box Books supplements for Swords and Wizardry WhiteBox. It's called Black Box Books Tome Ten: Jungles and Jaguars.

For 98 cents, you get new tables, new monsters (yes, including jaguar stats), a new Fighter subclass / variant, and a new race (a take on jaguarfolk, naturally). As usual, there's a full size version and a tiny, foldable pocketmod included, not to mention a plain text version for your cut and pasting delight.

Oh, and this is my first time using the Mythmere Games AELF license, a replacement for the OGL, for those who care about such things. 😉

The jaguar art on this cover image is courtesy of Proyecto Hunab Ku
under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Or if you want something free, there's always this bit of weirdness that I just released:

Occult Space Ravens. It's a setting and supplement for FORGE. Must be seen to be believed, LOL.

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