Thursday, December 7, 2023

d20 Odd Alien Animals

So there is a great channel on the OSR Discord server called #dice-democracy where you can crowdsource random tables. 

Therefore, this isn't 100% my work; the people on the server are very creative when it comes to stuff like this. I'm very grateful for them putting up with my ideas for tables. 

d20 Odd Alien Animals

Name + short suggestive description.
This was useful for names: 

1. nession - Toothy jungle predator, only visible to the depressed
2. bralfaing - Ultraviolet space whale parasite
3. white beanully - Tiny plains herbivore and psionic fleshcaller
4. kinguishipath - Enormous, gliding, cloud-hunting photosynthesisers
5. sketha - Arboreal herbivore that flips between parallel dimensions
6. reckartion - Air-swimming fish, likes to hide in nostrils
7. sizzurps - Dog sized, subterranean, territorial Stagbeetles, bioluminescent pincers (edited)
8. xicxic - Baboon-like tree dwellers, camoflage similar to chameleons and octopuses, somewhat intelligent pack hunters that silently signal to each other by changing colo/pattern
9. dorges- Two meter long amphibian filter feeders, look like Salamanders, passive and flighty
10. cracte - Phasic barnacle that attaches to ideas instead of objects (edited)
11. justrakeys - Tiny, smelly spider monkeys. Unbeknownst to humans they have a multi-galaxy spanning trading business
12. danchers - Pseudo-crabs that "ranch" insectoids they've "domesticated" over centuries of evolution
13. advolt - Appearing like a floating, hypnotic cow head, actually a sort of fungal puffball
14. amarissamp - A sallow skinned, burrowing creature, which riddles the land with covered pitfalls, to consume its broken legged prey at its convenience.
15. moordiss - Huge, hairy, lumbering herbivore. Its hide is an ecosystem in and of itself, positively riddled with life.
16. fijiffers- Dexterous pack animals with too many hands. The size, intelligence and curiosity of children.
17. green spormaks - Half-feral, half-domesticated eight-armed predators that hunt invisible, ultraviolet vermin. Do not confuse with blue spormaks.
18. splingrales - Memetic hive insects that exist entirely in the noosphere.
19. sabloak - Invasive pseudo-fungus capable of growing in extremely harsh conditions so long as there is water, including places where there is only ice and on human skin
20. scover - Psuedo-plant that looks like a triple-headed crow

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