Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Untamed Sovereigns

 This blast from the past is from Secret Jackalope 2020...

Prompt: "A monster or dungeon based on themes of life, light, birth and growth. Preferably outwardly wholesome yet somehow dangerous to a party, rather than body horror grossness! To please the jackalope, the man chose B/X Moldvay statistics, backwards AC, and you'll have to make up the treasure yourself, hahahahaha..."

I actually made three monsters, representing different parts of the lifecycle of the Untamed Sovereign. 


Sages, scholars, adventurers, and tellers of tall tales all debate the origins of Untamed Sovereigns. Some say they are the deliberate creation of druids to strike back at urban blight, while others claim that they are just the balance of nature swinging the pendulum at last. Some few speak of an Elemental Plane of Vegetation, but that is usually considered but a fancy as apocryphal as the Demiplane of Paper.

Even the number of cities that have been consumed by the Untamed Sovereigns is in dispute. After all, not every moss-covered ruin is the result of their action. But when news and trade from a once-bustling metropolis dries up, the whispers start up among the peasants...

[pic unrelated]

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