For the first time in five years, I've produced one of my tiny Black Box Books supplements for Swords and Wizardry WhiteBox. It's called Black Box Books Tome Ten: Jungles and Jaguars.
For 98 cents, you get new tables, new monsters (yes, including jaguar stats), a new Fighter subclass / variant, and a new race (a take on jaguarfolk, naturally). As usual, there's a full size version and a tiny, foldable pocketmod included, not to mention a plain text version for your cut and pasting delight.
Oh, and this is my first time using the Mythmere Games AELF license, a replacement for the OGL, for those who care about such things. 😉
The jaguar art on this cover image is courtesy of Proyecto Hunab Ku
under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.